Webhooks Overview

Alohaa offers a suite of webhook services designed to integrate across various platforms. The available webhooks cover a broad range of services:

  1. Incoming Call Webhook: These webhooks notify your systems immediately when an incoming call is received and after a call is completed.

  2. Outgoing Call Webhook: Outgoing call webhooks triggers after a outgoing call is completed, offering insights of the call.

  3. Voice Broadcast Webhook: For campaigns using voice broadcasting, these webhooks send notifications related to the status and outcome of each call, offering insights into campaign effectiveness and recipient engagement.

  4. Number Masking Webhook: To protect privacy, number masking webhooks manage the initiation and completion of calls that use DIDs as the masked numbers.

Configuring Webhooks

Step-by-Step Setup

  1. Log In: Sign into your Alohaa dashboard.

  2. Navigate: Go to the 'Webhooks' menu.

  3. Add Endpoint: Click on 'Edit' and update the API Endpoint URL where you would like to receive the webhook payloads.

  4. Save and Test: Save the endpoint and make/receive calls on the platform to receive webhook payload.


It is recommended to test your webhooks thoroughly to ensure they handle all expected scenarios correctly.


For any issues related to webhooks, refer to the following:

  • Verify endpoint security settings.

  • Ensure the webhook URL is correct in the Alohaa system configuration.

  • Check for logs or errors received at the endpoint.

Last updated